The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where Do I Begin?

Due to a major disappointment in my life this year, I came up with CCQ, CattleClassQueen! It was September when I left my ex four years ago; it was also September when I had a major break down last year that pushed me to try my hands at blogging through my personal blog and again it was September this year when my boyfriend of four, almost five, blissful months decided he preferred his chaotic old life and left me to figure out the puzzle he created in that four months.

I thought at first September is such a jinx to me but on the other hand I realize it's the things that give us bitter taste that causes us to react. It pushes us to either stop taking in the bitter stuff or do something with it's bitter after-taste. Simply put, I call it self-preservation! I prefer to see it that way. Sometimes we forget to guard and look after ourselves, we go with the flow or get caught up in a whirlwind that causes us to get way-laid until Life punches hard on us and we are left with no option but to either cower or fight!

I spent the past six weeks contemplating on what things really mean to me (and also feeding on comfort food at the same time but it's time to feed right again). It feels like it's a race of time for me now to do all the things I want to do. Each day I sit behind a desk is another day lost it seems; another day that could be spent reaching out to make a difference. .

So instead of brooding and getting upset or angry, I thought my time will be better spent creating and sharing something I am most passionate about! Let's travel, let's go Cattle Class!!!!!!

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain

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