The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Random images: Germany

Growing up in a small village from northern Philippines, castles and palaces were just figments of my imagination. I only learned about them through books I use to read at the very young age of nine and against my aunt's approval. I guess I owe it all to her Barbara Cartland's romance pocketbooks, books I was forbidden to read but I did anyway whenever I had the chance to hide them from my aunt.

One particular castle that dominated my dreams as a girl is of course that of Disneyland's. I was much older by the time I found out the it was inspired by King Ludwig II of Bavaria's Neuschwanstein Castle. Since then I had longed to see the castle but I thought it would only be just that; a dream, a longing!

But the dream became a reality two years ago today when finally I got to see and walk inside the castle. It was an awesome experience. There was lots of history, culture, the sceneries, White Christmas, Christmas Market; it makes the mind boggles when it suddenly is bombarded by so many things foreign happening at the same time. It was a wonderful experience but one I have enjoyed more because of the hospitality bestowed on me by good friends.

Three weeks was not enough but we managed to pack in as much as my health (horrible winter-flu) allowed me. I was lucky there was no swine-flu alert at that time! Below are a few random shots of Neuschwanstein Castle I managed to take. Just like most tourist places, taking photographs are not permitted inside. It is called the fantasy castle! I usually get disappointed when I see the real thing except this one, this time.    Click on the photos to enlarge...

Below are random images of Potsdam, Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Nuremberg and Leipzig:

The Schloss Sansoucci - Potsdam
Park Babelsberg - Potsdam
Babelsberg Castle

Cologne Cathedral Interior
Berlin TV Tower

Brandenburger Gate - Berlin

The doors of the Cologne Cathedral

A Building in Dresden
My first real Mistletoes...

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