The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Colours of Spring By The Beach 2010

I tried a free travel writing course which I found quite good because it made me realize I can't write and I can't take photos.  I enjoy my blogging and it got me thinking whether I should or should not look into this further.  I love walking and taking photos along the way makes the walk so much more fun plus you come home with an image that you can replay and watch over and over again or even share for others to admire!

I've spent a few hours this week watching tutorials on You Tube only to find myself even more confused.  Yesterday when I decided to take photos I found out I was so confused I could not remember how to take  a normal shot so ended up using autofocus setting all the time.

Usually after church, the rest my of Saturday afternoon is spent either with  my parents or my kids or of course at home.  When I left my dentist's clinic yesterday I dropped by at my parents' and lingered there for a while.  After 5pm I found myself taking random photos of flowers at my mom's garden.

After this, I decided to drive home but found myself on the motorway instead and ended up at O'neall's beach along Takapuna and Milford coastline...Finding a parking was easy.  I sat there for a while and then decided to saunter towards the beach with camera on hand of course and this time a tripod on the other and a bottle of water in my back pack!

I sat on the volcanic rocks watching walkers and people having picnics and just enjoying a very lovely afternoon:

I spent sometime watching this couple having a picnic on the rocks...

This  family had this spot all by themselves...
Mom and kids after a great time foraging around the rocks...
I watched the waves coming in and gently caressing the beach:

I could not help but notice the flowers along the way:

And a few little things that grabbed my untrained eyes:

and grateful of the low-tide that allowed me to walk further into the rocky part of the beach normally covered in water at high tide:

and then my battery died on me with this last shot:

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