The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Monday, November 8, 2010

Summer Eve: North Shore City, NZ

I have not been well for a few days but the weather this weekend was absolutely beautiful I had to go out one way or another to enjoy this lovely Summer weather.  So tonight I drove to a couple of places close to my heart: Takapuna and Devonport here in North Shore City where I live.

Takapuna used to be the hub of activities in North Shore until Albany MegaMall was opened.  In spite  of this the place still has that pull for both locals and visitors due to it's location.  It is a popular place where locals and visitors alike flock into no matter what time of the year it is.  The reason is Takapuna Beach, a very good walking beach that adjoins to Milford Beach on the North and Narrow Neck Beach on the South making it quite a long walk without leaving the coastline. I find the walk from Milford Beach to Takapuna Beach which I use to do regularly quite interesting because of the way it weaves amongst volcanic rocks and the million dollar homes that lines the wall along the beach.  The second reason for me is the Takapuna Flea Market.  I sometimes go for a walk on Sundays after hitting the Takapuna Flea Market and having my fill of yummy Spanish Churros!  Sometimes I go there just to eat Churros as a pick me up!  And before I forget there is also Lake Pupuke which makes Takapuna quite different from any of the suburbs in North Shore.

Takapuna Beach and Rangitoto Island

Sand Water and an Island

 From Takapuna Beach you can choose to go North to Milford Beach or during low tide you can go South and take a coastal walk to Narrowneck Beach.  Take a walk along Takapuna Beach and keep going south!  You'll think that the access way stops at the southern end of Takapuna Beach at the cliffs but at low tide you can take a coastal walk around the coast to Narrow Neck Beach.  This walk offers high cliffs and spectacular views of Rangitoto as you are much closer to it than in Takapuna Beach. It is normally unpopulated and is also dog friendly.The secluded St Leonards Bay/Beach is good for swimming, this is accessible from behind Takapuna Grammar but be careful with the steep steps. During high tide you can drive to Narrow Neck Beach on your way to Devonport.  Take a left turn just before the Golf Course on either the Old Lake Road or Seabreeze Road.
Narrow Neck Beach

Rangitoto Island from Narrow Neck
Devonport is a quaint seaside little suburb across the harbour from the city!  Its a great place to go to have a quiet time as you enjoy a cup of coffee in one of the cafes that lined the main street.  I would say, you can't go anywhere else to get a good view if not the best views of Auckland City no matter what time of the day or night it is all year round.  Best vantage point to see the beauty of Auckland City from this area:
 At the top of Mt. Victoria:  You can sit here and watch the sun sets behind the city creating a soft silhouette of Auckland City! The bonus is a 360 degrees view of Auckland and the Auckland Harbour.

Torpedo Bay:  This is also where the Navy Museum is.  It has a wharf or long jetty which gives you a good view of the city and the rest of the Tamaki Drive that winds along the waterfront on one side and the cliffs on the other side.

The Navy Museum @ Torpedo Bay, Devonport

Auckland @ Dusk as seen from Torpedo Bay
 The Devonport Wharf:  Just across the harbour, you can have a very close view of the city and this is also where you can catch the Fullers Ferry to the City, Rangitoto Island and Waiheke Island

Stanley Bay:  The Annual Harbour Crossing usually starts here.  I have enjoyed many summer evenings here but I also go during winter when at times I can have the place on my own.

Bayswater Wharf:  This is not in Devonport but more so between Takapuna and Devonport.  Great vantage point to take a close shot of the city and also a great viewing platform if you want to watch fireworks going off from the Sky City e.g. New Years Eve

Below are just a few shots I took on my way back from Torpedo Bay.
The Esplanade Hotel, Devonport

This is what sets Devonport apart from the rest of North Shore
Homes with character...

Queen's Parade is Devonport's main street.
standing oddly, it caught my eyes...


  1. Looks amazing! Want to travel there as well! :)

  2. Thanks for dropping by Mirriam! Yes NZ is a small slice of paradise! Let me know when you can make it here, we'll try and show you around our city...You take beautiful compliments!
