The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Friday, November 5, 2010

What Compels Me to Travel

I believe travel broadens the mind and makes us better Global Citizens. Here below are just a few of the reasons that compel me to travel:

1. Travel allows me to experience other cultures and in being able to do so it creates in me a better understanding and sense of appreciation for others. These are few things I've learnt from my previous trips:
  • Germany: Family ties, cultural values, capacity to drink beer without getting really drunk like a kiwi can :-) and they know how to party like no other. I also do not know of any other country that has more number of public holidays and festivals than Germany
  • France: I like their passion for the things they love, like food and fashion! To learn to take time and eat slow which is an integral part of their culture, that was to me almost therapeutic!
  • Asia: Chaotic but fun and lively cities (except clean and orderly Singapore of course), I love the people, the value for my money, family tradition and values, warm hospitable people. I have not been to mainland China so I cannot speak for them. Of course I love the shopping and the food and the warm waters on beautiful and long stretches of white or black sandy beaches.
  • Pacific Islands: I was in Samoa four months before the tsunami last year 2009. They are beautiful people, very content with what they have. It taught me to appreciate my life and to be thankful for what I have. Family values, sense of fun, friendly people and of course island time!
  • United States: I've avoided visiting due to my pre-conceived impressions of the US as a travel destination (terrorism, con-men, immigration and othr restrictions). Well, well my experience in the US was almost cathartic! I found out just how wrong I was and just how much I would have missed out if I continued on my limited thoughts. It was an amazing trip we had and such a drama free destination not to mention having the best shopping experience I've had in any trip I've done.
  • London, UK: History, lots of history; wet, cold and gloomy weather; rubbish laden streets. I did not have a chance to connect because I was just passing through.
  • Canada:  Loved it maybe because it is according to a lot of people just a bigger replica of New Zealand.  I love the walks, the parks, the friendly people and loaded with Asians.  I felt like I was back home in Pinas.
2. Travelling helps keep me sane by balancing the boredom and monotony of my otherwise plain existence. It brings challenges I normally would not have.

3. Going away refreshes the soul, body and mind. It renews spirit and rejuvenates the senses.

4. It gives me something to look forward to and allows me to forget the humdrum of daily living.

5. Travel also reunites us with the people we love who live away from us. It reconnects and revives our tattered bonds due to absence and isolation.

6. It inspires and gives me new ideas I can apply in my life! For the fun and adventure I get out of my journeys, the people I've met and friends I've won, my investment (time and money) is more than worth it.

Travelling is one of the few things in life where we give away what we have and come back with more! We come back different, better and more complete persons because travel can enhance the quality of our lives by the experience and the connections we make.

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