The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Random Images: USA

You'll never know how right or wrong you are until you go for it! As a young girl I have dreamed about going to Disneyland just like any other girl! But since I've started to travel I have always tried to avoid the US as a destination due to all things negative associated with it like safety, immigration, terrorism etc etc! This year four of my very good friends and myself decided to go and found out just how wrong we were!

Below are random images from our trip:

Sunset in San Diego, CA

On our way to the Grand Canyon, Arizona
Grand Canyon, Arizona USA
Flight over Grand Canyon, Arizona USA
The famous Bellagio Fountains
Into Yosemite National Park 2010
Happy to have finally seen Bridal Veil Falls
Entry to the Yosemite National Park
Bridal Veil Falls, a close look...
San Francisco City Hall
The Painted Ladies, apparently the most photograph houses in SF
San Francisco: view from Twin Peaks
The Golden Gate Bridge during the day...
View of Goden Gate Bridge at dusk from Alcatraz...
The American Flag
Alcatraz, San Francisco
SF as seen from Alcatraz
Leaving Yosemite National Park

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