The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Friday, November 19, 2010

To Do or Not To Do, My Tug of War!

Last night was the best night I've had because after trying for almost two months now I finally managed to go to bed before midnight.  To me that is like finding a four leaf clover!  Unfortunately, tonight I failed once again.

I've just finished the 7 Day Travel Writing Magic and contemplating on doing the real thing as suggested.  I've been thinking for years now yet I have not done anything about it. I know it's unlikely for me to make money from writing but I love and enjoy putting words in visual form and just the thought of learning how to blog properly makes me feel like wanting to get on the e-bandwagon of writing enthusiasts.

Well I have been out of my depths lately.  Too much change needed to be considered. I know I can no longer remain the way I have in the past four years. I wonder if Life gets a bit bored waiting for us to make some changes and when we settle down and feel too comfortable where we are, Life kicks us from behind in a big way!  I wish I knew if this is what just happened to me.

I love to travel.  When I left my marriage I was told by my ex that would be the end of my dreams.  It took me a long time to recover.  Then I had to start from scratch, re-trained, got a job before I was able to eventually travel.  And I have been happy and thankful and grateful of God's blessings.  Yet my travels are short and far in between due to annual leave constraints and inadequate finances. I admit there is a longing in my heart when I go away to not return too soon and to just keep going until, but that's not my reality.

My dream is to travel at least for a few months.  I don't feel I know my own self.  To be out there where I only have myself to rely on I think will help me find out what I do not know about the person called me!  My son just told me to toughen up!  Sometimes I am told it is not always good to be nice nor always nice to be good!  To go or not to go, that is the question I need to answer in the next few weeks.

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