The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Planning Your Trip: Eleven Things to Consider

So you checked your bank balance and with a smile on your face you said "Yihaa"!!!  You are now ready to buy your tickets as soon as you get your notebook running.  A click of the mouse and two minutes later your electronic tickets should be delivered in your mail box!  Of course you've packed your suitcase by now after all you've been planning this trip for so long!

That sounds really great and you deserve a pat on the shoulder!  But before you start thinking of rushing to the airport next week, I hope you haven't forgotten to double check a few things essential for your travels:

1. Check that your passport is current.  Most countries requires 3-6 months validity of your passport from the date your travel ends.  If you are an NZ passport holder and only flying into Australia, you only need your passport to be current or valid upon arrival.  To be sure, contact your nearest Australian Embassy

2.Everyone else except New Zealanders need a visa to enter Australia. So if you are not an NZ passport holder make sure you have a visa.  You can apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) to Australia that can be issued with your air ticket.  Otherwise through the Australian Embassy.  Fee is AUD20.00 via the official ETA Website or AUD30.00 through airlines and other agencies.  Fee could have changed so please check it out.  If your passport is not in the list below, you need to apply for a visa.

         ETA-eligible passports:
  • Brunei
  • Canada
  • Hong Kong SAR
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • United States of America 
 UK passports holders are not eligible to apply for ETA via the Official ETA website. Please click here for more info.

3.If travelling to or transitting via the US, you need to register for your ESTA (Electronic System Travel Authorization) at least 72 hours before departure or the airline will refuse to board you. They can help you at the airport but that is if there are no issues that come up.  To avoid this, you are best to do it in plenty of time rather than at the airport.  Please click here for the official ESTA website. It was free originally but as of the   4th May 2010 there is now a US$14.00 fee for this service. If approved you pay the full fee, if it is declined you still pay a fee US$4.00 for processing. Please check the website for further information.

4. Have you thought about Travel Insurance?  If you are visiting more than one country at different times during the year, you will be better off buying an annual multi-trip plan.  Shop around for the plan that is value for your money but make sure you are covered well and good.

5.Visit your travel doctor/s.  Check the entry requirements of the countries you are visiting. If you are using a travel agent, do ask them because they should be able to advise you.  If you are booking direct with the airlines, they should be able to advise you too but it is best to contact the embassies of each countries you are visiting.  Research, research, research!  You don't want to arrive at your destination only to be sent back because you didn't get your booster or your shots!

6. If you are what I call a Sterile Traveller, you should have all your accommodations and car rental sorted out by now.  If you are like me, booking directly with the hotels can sometimes give you a better deal but not always.  I have flown into my destination with no bookings and seem to have always managed to get some place to stay but if you can, it is best to sort this out before you leave.

7. You need to print three copies of your e ticket.  Leave one to your family or someone in your life so they know what to expect and where you are because there will be times when you are on-transit and they can't contact you.  Also, if you need to ask them to sort out amendments for your ticket, the airline will only talk to them if they have either your Booking Reference or a Ticket Number.  The only other time they will consider  is when the person calling on your behalf without the reference or ticket number can prove he is the person who paid and booked for your ticket.  I always carry a small file with me where I keep the second copies of the following: my e-ticket, my passport, travel insurance policy and other bookings.  If you find yourself in a place where you have no online access, those hard copies can come in very handy!  If you do not want hard copies, then email a copy to your family and leave them your itinerary.

8. You have your insurance all sorted out.  In the event you need to claim for lost items on your return, do you have receipts of all your items?  If you are like me who has not kept all my receipts, it might come in handy if you can show a photo of the item you've lost.  I take photos of what goes in my suitcase, it can come in handy if you need to claim for anything.

9.If you are single and going away for a long period, you probably are going to give up your place if you are renting or rent it out if it is your property. Otherwise if you are just going away for annual leave, don't forget to check that your direct payments for bills, rent, etc are all sorted out.  Don't forget to ask you post office to hold your mails or ask a family member, friend or neighbor to clear your mailbox.

10. You will also need a bit of cash when you get to the other end, make sure you have some to last you for at least a day or two. You can buy bus/train passes online but really if you want adventure you can just hit the road.  I and my mate just bought them when we get to our destinations and we were fine.

11. If you can, try to get a day off or half day off  before you fly.  There is nothing worse than rushing and getting stressed on the very day you fly.  Your holiday should start the moment you board your plane!

All the above should be used for information purposes only.  It is your responsibility as the traveller to have all your facts right and the correct documents required. If you have any ideas or questions regarding the above, do leave a comment or email me:

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