The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Friday, November 5, 2010

What Kind Of A Traveller Are You?

Different people have different reasons for doing and not doing things. When it comes to travellers, there are different kinds of us as well!

1. There are travelers who like to go away on package tours where everything is sorted out for them. They are the ones who like to do things that has been proven and done in exact same manner. I call them the Sterile Travelers.

2. There are those who can afford to splurge and travel in utmost comfort. I am a Cattle Class traveller so this is something I cannot talk about. I’ve seen families who spend $50k just for airfare alone and I am not talking about celebrities, just plain Joe Blogs who has the means.

3. There are also those who because of financial limitations travel only within the county. Travelling within our own backyard limits the experience and chances of getting to know a different culture. Even in multicultural countries like our own, one never really gets to know someone’s culture because theirs is already mixed and mingled with the Kiwi ways. In saying that the whole world is only a click of a mouse button away for those who want to learn.

4. Then there are those who invest more than their hard earned money and time into what they can get out of their experience. These people go away hoping for the chance to affect and be affected by another culture no matter how short the time they have. They travel not only to see but to get a deeper meaning in their journeys, in their lives!

5. Then there are people who would rather miss out on things like nice cars and short trips in order to invest their savings for an annual adventure.  It's I think where I fit in.

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