The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hunter Valley Gardens: A Must See Garden

If you ever happen to be in Sydney and have a day free at your hand, book yourself a day trip to Hunter Valley.  Previously most tours going this way only had the wine connoisseurs in mind!   Now, anyone can go on these tours.  You don't have to be an alcoholic or wine lover, you just need to be a garden or flower lover!  Great trip if you are with a wine or alcohol junkie (excuse the pun) and you don't drink but you can appreciate a visual orgasm of colours and fragrance, form and grace! We only booked the Garden Tour but we were taken on the same bus as the ones going for the wine tour!  By the time we got to the Gardens the drinkers already had their fill of Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot. So be ready to put up with adults behaving like kids on your way back.  If your lucky, the person sitting next to you might prefer to sleep.

The Roche Group has created a Fantasy Garden in the middle of this valley.  Probably the best of its kind this side of the world, it will inspire any garden enthusiast and stimulate the young kids' minds!  For families, best to go for an overnight during Christmas season when the gardens are lit and  transformed into a fairy fantasy land with colourful and twinkling lights between 11 Nov 2010 - 6 Jan 2011! The Hunter Valley Gardens Christmas Lights Spectacular is the biggest in Australia.

Below are just a few shots I took with a small digital point and shoot camera.  The photos do not justify the real thing.  I wish I had something better but just the same I am glad I had a chance to visit this garden.  Do check their website for more recent pictures and information.

Created by: Bill and Imelda Roche
Hunter Valley Gardens
Broke Road Pokolbin
NSW 2320 Australia

Ph: 61 2 4998 4000       61 2 4998 4000   
Fax: 61 2 4998 4001

For Gardens Bookings
Fax: 61 2 4998 4001

Tour Operators: (Tours departs Sydney at 8am and returns around 6pm)
AAT Kings :
 Phone: 1300 228 546

Tours R Us:
E-Mail address: (Preferred)
Phone Number: +61 2 8004-0500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +61 2 8004-0500      end_of_the_skype_highlighting (24 hours)
Phone Number: +61 2 9498-4084 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +61 2 9498-4084      end_of_the_skype_highlighting (24 hours)

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