The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Okura Bush Walk - North Auckland

I'd go for a walk every weekend if I had someone to walk with. So last weekend when my friend asked if I'd join her for a gelato after sharing lunch at church, I bargained and got her to come and walk with me after enjoying our gelato! If you are looking for a nice bit of ice cream on a warm summer afternoon, head down to Birkenhead and you might even get lucky to enjoy the moonlighters playing by the side road as you enjoy your cup or cone of yummy refreshing gelato! Click to enlarge photos:

I didn't think I'd finish my double servings of gelato but I did. Then I went and took a few shots while my friend finished hers. I did ask permission from the lady at the shop. We sat there a bit longer enjoying the Jazz tunes from the moonlighters. Most North Shore residents would have met them at the markets. They can sing and I ended up buying their CD. Then we drove to Haigh Acces Road for our afternoon walk. I've never done this walk before although I've always wanted to do it. I just don't feel safe walking alone in the bush for 3 hours.

Haigh Access Road is off East Coast Road and the walk starts at the end of the road. The car park was rather crowded so I had no choice but park by the curb 200 metres or so from the parking bays. I am aware of the problem of car theft in this car park but I brushed my concern away. I was just keen to be able to go for the walk and really enjoy this beautiful summer afternoon. Our walk started here:

We started a bit late in the afternoon and having been unwell the past few weeks, we decided to just take a leisurely stroll. After crossing the bridge over the Okura River, my friend stopped and gave a big sigh...sigh of relief that is and said "this is really nice, it feels so good'; I smiled and felt grateful to hear her say that. I was a bit concerned as I know she is not like me who likes roughing it out!

The track is quite good because the ground was dry and most of the slopes are paved with wooden walkways! We were both quite busy looking around if not above us just enjoying the chance to walk under the canopy of trees and the rustling of their leaves playing with the gentle breeze above us!

We met couples coming the other way and there were quite a lot of them. Others passed us along the way which we didn't mind. The walk is really good but I would not recommend it for mom and dads with very little kids unless dad is willing to piggy back for a couple of hours.

As we progressed closer to the Dacre Cottage, I was starting to think about my car being left alone in the car park. At the back of my mind I kept a tally of the number of couples that we met along the way and that was at least five of them, which means five cars less in the car park. I toyed around the idea of finishing the walk but something was telling me to head back. So about 15minutes before we get t to the Cottage, we turned around and started our way back!

A pigeon feeding on Nikau berries

twin Kauri

the VW that was broken into
after three phone calls-an officer was despatched

Half way through, a couple caught up with us and almost came out into the car park at the same time. They put their back packs into the boot of their car and then they were gone. Next to their car was a brand new black VW cross polo! It attracted my curiosity but I was focused on trying to take some photos and my friend was trying to find a way to get to the wild roses.

We were sitting on the grass in front of the VW when another couple emerged from the bush. They were a young Kiwi couple and they're parked behind my car along the curb. The guy asked if the VW was my car and then pointed out the smashed window! To make the story short, this car has been done! Not my car which I am so grateful for. I have always have a strong intuition and I am not surprise why I decided to head back instead of finish the walk.

This weekend I have a couple of friends walking with me and I have decided to do the other half of this walk. In light of what happened last weekend, we've decided to do the other half from Stillwater where the carpark is much more secure. Looking forward to the next half of Okura Bush Walk!

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