The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Let the Water Falls...An Affair of the Heart

Even as a child waterfalls had a charm that the sea didn't as far as I was concerned.
There is something about a waterfalls that draws me to it! I see beauty, I see grace, I see strength, I see continuity and much more.

I've been blessed to live in a city where you don't need to travel too far to get to one! But the sad part is I have not seen many of them. When I was married, the person I was with did not enjoy the things I did. Instead to keep the peace I learned to like and do the things he was interested in. Years later I realized by doing that I eventually metamorphose into a different person. There came a point when I no longer felt myself and learned that by giving up on me I have actually created a wedge between us that made the gap bigger between us.

Now I have the time and the freedom to go out and nurture my passions but the problem is I found out I cannot really do these on my own. I don't feel safe alone in the bush so I gave up on the idea. But when you are passionate about something and you brush it away, it never really goes away! I'd like to share a few of these experiences to readers like me who love nature and have a love affair with waterfalls.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Beautiful Victoria BC

March 2011

Canada is one place I've dreamed about visiting mainly to see my rellies in Ontario. One evening three months before X'mas, through a twist of fate I decided I will spend Christmas somewhere else.  Anywhere but Auckland. I love Christmas in NZ but not last year, I just badly needed to go away!

Because I was time-constrained and not game enough to risk not getting back to Vancouver for my flight back home due to weather disrupts, I had no choice but give up my intentions of visiting Ontario. It was a huge disappointment not seeing all our rellies and was a greater disappointment I guess for them later to find out I was in Vancouver but did not get to Ontario.

16 August 2012

I started writing this months ago and never got to finishing it.  Many things have happened since then, weight issues, feeling in a rut, health issues although I took this in quite positively for having been finally able to learn what my problem was.  Have visited a few new places domestically and overseas and managed to resurrect my love of poetry.

Gong back to this post, I could ramble on about how I fell in love, so in loved with Victoria Island, BC and had a  great time catching up with my ex-sisters - in- law with my kids!   I've taken a few photos to share, so I will let the pictures do the talking instead:

the bus to Tsawassen Ferry
BC Ferry to Victoria Island

Dining inside the Ferry Liner
Sidney, Victoria BC

Main street of Sidney, Victoria BC

I'd be blind if I didn't notice these beauties

Craigdarroch Castle at 1050 Joan Cres, Victoria BC

Well-lit up neighbors' homes

The Fisgard Lighthouse, Victoria BC

A closer shot of Fisgard Lighthouse

Fisgard Lighthouse with Olympic Mountains (Washington State USA) across the waters

Canadian ducks everywhere at the park..

A walk by the lake....

Frozen puddle...

A 3-storey X'mas tree inside the City Hall

Just one of the corridors inside the City Hall

Carols at Butchart Gardens

The City Hall at night

@ Sidney Aquarium

Niagara Falls (not the one you know) in Victoria, BC

Mega sizes...enjoying a movie with the girls..

Romancing the Islands

July 2006

I am scared of deep water and the first time my ex told me to pack my bag because we were going on a cruise I panicked!  That was to Singapore in 2005, that country the size of Lake Taupo, that small city cum country all looked up to by the bigger countries around her and the rest of the world as a matter of fact!

After my Singapore Sling, I became a convert into cruising as a real holiday, as the true holiday!  My fear of water did not bother me at all and I've always been a little toughie on the road or on the boat so none of those seasickness stories for me! I realize that to see 3 countries in one trip, I would at least pack and unpack six times the least; on a cruise there is nothing of that especially if you are picking up the ship where you are!

 Anyway that was my first cruising experience, this time we were going on P n O and going around the Pacific Islands! This time I also promised to put my foot down; my son was not going to be left like he has been in the past few years at home to friends or family he hasn't bonded very well yet .

The cruise starts at Princess Wharf in Auckland by the Sheraton Hotel.  Immigration and customs and a bit of duty free is done in a few minutes.  As you embark your photo is taken and you are given your Cruise Card/Identity Card and given your cabin number which should already be cleaned and ready for you.  The card serves as your mode of currency inside the ship. 

We will be out on the sea for a few days and will be stopping at 5 of the islands:  Port Vila  and Mystery Islands in Vanuatu; Isle of Pine, Lifou and Noumea in Caledonia.

Below are a few photos I took from this trip:


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Euro Trip - Part 2

Here below are the rest of the links to my trip in Europe.  Growing up in a farm from the top of Northern Philippines, I've never before seen a castle.  I've always wanted to visit England for this but when I heard and learnt about Neuchwanstein Castle I knew it was the castle I wanted to one day see.

CattleClassQueen Interrupted

I have not been able to wite a post this year.  Coming back from my trip to Canada at the end of last year, I had been quite busy tansitioning from being a worker bee to a student once again.  A decision I found very hard to make but went ahead with it no matter how scary it felt.

Only time will tell whether I am headed the right way or not but if the stress level in my life is an indication at all then I definitely am threading the right direction.

Trying to survive alone on a student allowance is tough, I have to learn to really budget and miss out on a lot.  But it doesn't mean life should be boring, there are a lot of things that can be enjoyed without having to fork out a lot of money.  After all "the best things in life are free".

I didn't realize how much work and commitment was involved in the course I enrolled myself at.  I have decided to go for a couple of International Certificates, it takes a bit of time and commitment.  Due to this I haven't got the luxury of time to blog so I have decided to just try and share the first few personal travel blogs I have published through blogabond.

Euro Trip - Part 1

I managed to visit London, UK and Europe for the first time in 2008.  Below are the links to some of the blogs I've written about my trip.  I apologize for the many mistakes as most of these are written in between flights and while I was in Germany.  Because of the limited time I had to pack in as much in that short time, I had no time to go over them.

I stayed with my friends in Germany and I can never thank them enough for their hospitality.  I will divide this in two post as there are lots of blogs I have posted while in Germany.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Okura Bush Walk Part 2 Slideshow

I have put together a slideshow of the recent walk at Okura Bush Walk from Stillwater my friends and I did recently. I thought it is an easier way to navigate through the photos rather than scrolling down a page.

I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did and may it inspire a few of you to go and enjoy a piece of paradise right within our neighborhood! It is something we don't get to enjoy and appreciate just by driving along East Coast Bays.

Happy walking everyone! Enjoy the summer days, well when the sun decides to come out again, that is. I did notice how dry the grasses and trees were while on our walk, the rain will do them good!

Let The Water Falls...A Passion

Waterfalls! There’s something about waterfalls, big or small, that somehow touch my heart in a way different from that of the rest of Mother Nature’s gifts! Carved by time and nature, crafted by God hands; it’s to me a tiny glimpse of hope and a great source of peace!

Waterfalls can bring out the admiring and grateful person in me! It humbles me and makes me realize (or understand) there is so much to appreciate in life! It helps me understand that beauty is not just physical; beauty is grace, strength and consistency! It is the ability to lift others, provide a flowing never ending source of hope and happiness! Beauty is innate, it comes from deep within and it flows outward. That to me is what the humble waterfalls all about!

When I first arrived in Auckland many years ago, my dream was to see all the waterfalls around the city where I live. Except for a few waterfalls that dream never happened. My ex-husband was not interested and because of his health he was never keen on walking or trying “off the beaten tracks”. He was a creature of comfort while I have an adventurous side. To make things work, instead of pursuing my interest I decided to learn and be interested with his! Little did I know, by doing that I was creating a wedge that helped widen the gap between us!

Now that I am free to wander and give in to my passion for waterfalls I found out (due to safety reason) I really cannot be doing it on my own. I have considered joining a tramping club but that never eventuated.

Next year I intend to look into this. “If there’s a will, there’s a way” the saying goes! I hope the few waterfalls I have seen in NZ so far will be joined by a few more next year: