The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Sunday, March 13, 2011

CattleClassQueen Interrupted

I have not been able to wite a post this year.  Coming back from my trip to Canada at the end of last year, I had been quite busy tansitioning from being a worker bee to a student once again.  A decision I found very hard to make but went ahead with it no matter how scary it felt.

Only time will tell whether I am headed the right way or not but if the stress level in my life is an indication at all then I definitely am threading the right direction.

Trying to survive alone on a student allowance is tough, I have to learn to really budget and miss out on a lot.  But it doesn't mean life should be boring, there are a lot of things that can be enjoyed without having to fork out a lot of money.  After all "the best things in life are free".

I didn't realize how much work and commitment was involved in the course I enrolled myself at.  I have decided to go for a couple of International Certificates, it takes a bit of time and commitment.  Due to this I haven't got the luxury of time to blog so I have decided to just try and share the first few personal travel blogs I have published through blogabond.

Euro Trip - Part 1

I managed to visit London, UK and Europe for the first time in 2008.  Below are the links to some of the blogs I've written about my trip.  I apologize for the many mistakes as most of these are written in between flights and while I was in Germany.  Because of the limited time I had to pack in as much in that short time, I had no time to go over them.

I stayed with my friends in Germany and I can never thank them enough for their hospitality.  I will divide this in two post as there are lots of blogs I have posted while in Germany.

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