The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Beautiful Victoria BC

March 2011

Canada is one place I've dreamed about visiting mainly to see my rellies in Ontario. One evening three months before X'mas, through a twist of fate I decided I will spend Christmas somewhere else.  Anywhere but Auckland. I love Christmas in NZ but not last year, I just badly needed to go away!

Because I was time-constrained and not game enough to risk not getting back to Vancouver for my flight back home due to weather disrupts, I had no choice but give up my intentions of visiting Ontario. It was a huge disappointment not seeing all our rellies and was a greater disappointment I guess for them later to find out I was in Vancouver but did not get to Ontario.

16 August 2012

I started writing this months ago and never got to finishing it.  Many things have happened since then, weight issues, feeling in a rut, health issues although I took this in quite positively for having been finally able to learn what my problem was.  Have visited a few new places domestically and overseas and managed to resurrect my love of poetry.

Gong back to this post, I could ramble on about how I fell in love, so in loved with Victoria Island, BC and had a  great time catching up with my ex-sisters - in- law with my kids!   I've taken a few photos to share, so I will let the pictures do the talking instead:

the bus to Tsawassen Ferry
BC Ferry to Victoria Island

Dining inside the Ferry Liner
Sidney, Victoria BC

Main street of Sidney, Victoria BC

I'd be blind if I didn't notice these beauties

Craigdarroch Castle at 1050 Joan Cres, Victoria BC

Well-lit up neighbors' homes

The Fisgard Lighthouse, Victoria BC

A closer shot of Fisgard Lighthouse

Fisgard Lighthouse with Olympic Mountains (Washington State USA) across the waters

Canadian ducks everywhere at the park..

A walk by the lake....

Frozen puddle...

A 3-storey X'mas tree inside the City Hall

Just one of the corridors inside the City Hall

Carols at Butchart Gardens

The City Hall at night

@ Sidney Aquarium

Niagara Falls (not the one you know) in Victoria, BC

Mega sizes...enjoying a movie with the girls..

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