The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Let The Water Falls...A Passion

Waterfalls! There’s something about waterfalls, big or small, that somehow touch my heart in a way different from that of the rest of Mother Nature’s gifts! Carved by time and nature, crafted by God hands; it’s to me a tiny glimpse of hope and a great source of peace!

Waterfalls can bring out the admiring and grateful person in me! It humbles me and makes me realize (or understand) there is so much to appreciate in life! It helps me understand that beauty is not just physical; beauty is grace, strength and consistency! It is the ability to lift others, provide a flowing never ending source of hope and happiness! Beauty is innate, it comes from deep within and it flows outward. That to me is what the humble waterfalls all about!

When I first arrived in Auckland many years ago, my dream was to see all the waterfalls around the city where I live. Except for a few waterfalls that dream never happened. My ex-husband was not interested and because of his health he was never keen on walking or trying “off the beaten tracks”. He was a creature of comfort while I have an adventurous side. To make things work, instead of pursuing my interest I decided to learn and be interested with his! Little did I know, by doing that I was creating a wedge that helped widen the gap between us!

Now that I am free to wander and give in to my passion for waterfalls I found out (due to safety reason) I really cannot be doing it on my own. I have considered joining a tramping club but that never eventuated.

Next year I intend to look into this. “If there’s a will, there’s a way” the saying goes! I hope the few waterfalls I have seen in NZ so far will be joined by a few more next year:

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