The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Romancing the Islands

July 2006

I am scared of deep water and the first time my ex told me to pack my bag because we were going on a cruise I panicked!  That was to Singapore in 2005, that country the size of Lake Taupo, that small city cum country all looked up to by the bigger countries around her and the rest of the world as a matter of fact!

After my Singapore Sling, I became a convert into cruising as a real holiday, as the true holiday!  My fear of water did not bother me at all and I've always been a little toughie on the road or on the boat so none of those seasickness stories for me! I realize that to see 3 countries in one trip, I would at least pack and unpack six times the least; on a cruise there is nothing of that especially if you are picking up the ship where you are!

 Anyway that was my first cruising experience, this time we were going on P n O and going around the Pacific Islands! This time I also promised to put my foot down; my son was not going to be left like he has been in the past few years at home to friends or family he hasn't bonded very well yet .

The cruise starts at Princess Wharf in Auckland by the Sheraton Hotel.  Immigration and customs and a bit of duty free is done in a few minutes.  As you embark your photo is taken and you are given your Cruise Card/Identity Card and given your cabin number which should already be cleaned and ready for you.  The card serves as your mode of currency inside the ship. 

We will be out on the sea for a few days and will be stopping at 5 of the islands:  Port Vila  and Mystery Islands in Vanuatu; Isle of Pine, Lifou and Noumea in Caledonia.

Below are a few photos I took from this trip:


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