The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Quickie in Paris...

We managed to book our air tickets to Paris quite early and I managed to get a budget accommodation within walking distance to the Eiffel Tower.  History was not a strong point for me at school (I thought what's done is done, why bother? ha ha ha) and though I wasn't as  hopeless in Geography, I was not that too interested either at that time.  But even with my disinterest, I did manage to actually enjoy finding out about a few things and places I deemed worth remembering.  There was The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, Cologne Cathedral and Berlin Wall of Germany, Petra and Wadi Rum in Jordan, Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks in the US, London Tower in England, Niagara Falls in Canada, Uluru in Australia, Iguassu Falls in Brazil, Machu Pichu in Latin America, The Great Wall of China and so on to name a few!

It's  a weird but amazing feeling to be in a place you've thought about a lot and never really made a connection of you being there one day!  When you finally get there you still feel like you are only reading a book or watching a movie but with you in it!  I think that is what makes it feel a bit weird!  You are sitting inside the restaurant, walking along the river, hearing the accent first hand, blending in and absorbing as much as you possibly can  in such a limited time!

While packing for my trip, the one thing that keeps coming to mind is "must look chic in Paris" which I thought should be the case since Paris after all, is the fashion headquarter of the world!  But thanks to old(er) age and maturity; I decided to be comfortable instead of fashionable!  I realized it was pointless to look good when you are in pain because of your bunions or turning blue with below zero temperatures!

Two nights in Paris was all I had.  From Potsdam we took the regional train DB to Schonefield International Airport at the crack of dawn in the middle of winter! The short flight was fine but the gloomy weather meant I saw nothing after fighting for a window seat and embarrassing my friend in the process! We managed to check out the Eiffel Tower, cruise the Seine, went up Mt Parnasse Tower; The Louvre Museum and Notre Dame Cathedral in one day and spent the other in Paris Disneyland!  I get asked  a lot how to get to Paris Disneyland so I thought I better do it while I'm there.  Most won't spend a day for this reason but I believe in nurturing the child within; it keeps me sane!
I was pleasantly surprised to find most of the people I spoke to; from the information desk of Orly International to the people on the streets; were very accommodating and helpful.  I was forwarned to make sure I have a little bit of French if I want to be treated as a tourist in Paris!  I didn't feel the need of it!

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