The joys and frustrations of a cattle class traveler...

"But when I decided to cross the preconceived limitations I've set myself earlier; my fence posts
were moved and my boundaries extended!
"...Georgine Crawford

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Okura Bush Walk Part 2 Slideshow

I have put together a slideshow of the recent walk at Okura Bush Walk from Stillwater my friends and I did recently. I thought it is an easier way to navigate through the photos rather than scrolling down a page.

I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did and may it inspire a few of you to go and enjoy a piece of paradise right within our neighborhood! It is something we don't get to enjoy and appreciate just by driving along East Coast Bays.

Happy walking everyone! Enjoy the summer days, well when the sun decides to come out again, that is. I did notice how dry the grasses and trees were while on our walk, the rain will do them good!

Let The Water Falls...A Passion

Waterfalls! There’s something about waterfalls, big or small, that somehow touch my heart in a way different from that of the rest of Mother Nature’s gifts! Carved by time and nature, crafted by God hands; it’s to me a tiny glimpse of hope and a great source of peace!

Waterfalls can bring out the admiring and grateful person in me! It humbles me and makes me realize (or understand) there is so much to appreciate in life! It helps me understand that beauty is not just physical; beauty is grace, strength and consistency! It is the ability to lift others, provide a flowing never ending source of hope and happiness! Beauty is innate, it comes from deep within and it flows outward. That to me is what the humble waterfalls all about!

When I first arrived in Auckland many years ago, my dream was to see all the waterfalls around the city where I live. Except for a few waterfalls that dream never happened. My ex-husband was not interested and because of his health he was never keen on walking or trying “off the beaten tracks”. He was a creature of comfort while I have an adventurous side. To make things work, instead of pursuing my interest I decided to learn and be interested with his! Little did I know, by doing that I was creating a wedge that helped widen the gap between us!

Now that I am free to wander and give in to my passion for waterfalls I found out (due to safety reason) I really cannot be doing it on my own. I have considered joining a tramping club but that never eventuated.

Next year I intend to look into this. “If there’s a will, there’s a way” the saying goes! I hope the few waterfalls I have seen in NZ so far will be joined by a few more next year:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Quickie in Paris...

We managed to book our air tickets to Paris quite early and I managed to get a budget accommodation within walking distance to the Eiffel Tower.  History was not a strong point for me at school (I thought what's done is done, why bother? ha ha ha) and though I wasn't as  hopeless in Geography, I was not that too interested either at that time.  But even with my disinterest, I did manage to actually enjoy finding out about a few things and places I deemed worth remembering.  There was The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, Cologne Cathedral and Berlin Wall of Germany, Petra and Wadi Rum in Jordan, Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks in the US, London Tower in England, Niagara Falls in Canada, Uluru in Australia, Iguassu Falls in Brazil, Machu Pichu in Latin America, The Great Wall of China and so on to name a few!

It's  a weird but amazing feeling to be in a place you've thought about a lot and never really made a connection of you being there one day!  When you finally get there you still feel like you are only reading a book or watching a movie but with you in it!  I think that is what makes it feel a bit weird!  You are sitting inside the restaurant, walking along the river, hearing the accent first hand, blending in and absorbing as much as you possibly can  in such a limited time!

While packing for my trip, the one thing that keeps coming to mind is "must look chic in Paris" which I thought should be the case since Paris after all, is the fashion headquarter of the world!  But thanks to old(er) age and maturity; I decided to be comfortable instead of fashionable!  I realized it was pointless to look good when you are in pain because of your bunions or turning blue with below zero temperatures!

Two nights in Paris was all I had.  From Potsdam we took the regional train DB to Schonefield International Airport at the crack of dawn in the middle of winter! The short flight was fine but the gloomy weather meant I saw nothing after fighting for a window seat and embarrassing my friend in the process! We managed to check out the Eiffel Tower, cruise the Seine, went up Mt Parnasse Tower; The Louvre Museum and Notre Dame Cathedral in one day and spent the other in Paris Disneyland!  I get asked  a lot how to get to Paris Disneyland so I thought I better do it while I'm there.  Most won't spend a day for this reason but I believe in nurturing the child within; it keeps me sane!
I was pleasantly surprised to find most of the people I spoke to; from the information desk of Orly International to the people on the streets; were very accommodating and helpful.  I was forwarned to make sure I have a little bit of French if I want to be treated as a tourist in Paris!  I didn't feel the need of it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Okura Bush Walk - Part 2

My girlfriends and I talked about organizing activities apart from sitting around the dining table each time we catch up! Facebook's group profiles has made organizing this a lot easier for us! Today finally, we are going for that first walk we've talked about for months! The day started overcast and didn't look all too promising for us but a phone call and a few text messages later confirmed all three friends are still keen to go ahead.

We decided to meet at my parents' as it is more central to all of us. Little Kylie was keen to come and we were a bit concerned if she was fit to do the walk or not but she insisted. Allow me to tell you about today's walk thru the pictures we took along the way. I have the photos in small sizes for quicker loading purposes but do click on them to enlarge.

The walk starts at the end of Duck Creek Road in Stillwater. Past the boating club, continue driving until you get to the caravan park; the public car park is directly opposite. There is a public toilet and a playground here.
The walk goes through private land which runs along the Weiti River until you come out into the open area where the coastal route starts. From here, there is a short walk along the beach before reaching the start of the overland track.
We found the walk quite interesting! The walk offers a mixture of terrain from bush to water and sand and some parts private lands. At low tide you can take the coastal route, just be prepared to get a bit of mud on your walking shoes.The first half of the walk involves a bit of maneuvering through overgrown grass which you need to be a bit careful with if you're wearing shorts or sleeveless tops as they could cut or scratch your skin especially if you have little ones with you. Aside from that, the walk is quite easy. During rainy season, it will be a bit muddy and probably even slippery. So need a bit of caution there.After twenty to fifteen minutes, you'll come to the top and just before you start to go downhill, keep an eye to viewing point on your left. You'll be rewarded by the awesome view of Karepiro Bay and Dacre Point. This is something you won't see if you decide to take the coastal route:
From here on, the walk is pretty much down hill and after a good stretch of walking under the canopy of trees and Nikau Palms, you'll be going down through steps. According to our youngest team member Kylie, there are about 135 steps. The last flight of stairs offers a small platform where you can take in the sea views, Dacre Point and Dacre Cottage:We had the cottage to ourselves for the couple of hours we stayed there apart from one walker who did not stop but only took photos along the coastline and the other just ran past us on his way to Okura Bush Reserve.It was low-tide when we decided to head back taking the overland track again. Apart from negotiating going up the stairs which can be a challenge if you've been a couch potato for a while; our return felt a lot easier and a lot shorter:

 Because we thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, we've decided to make our walks regular and unanimously made Kylie a special member of our CCQ Activity Group after proving to us she has more gas than her mother or myself! My first thing to do when I got back was add her profile to the group.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Okura Bush Walk - North Auckland

I'd go for a walk every weekend if I had someone to walk with. So last weekend when my friend asked if I'd join her for a gelato after sharing lunch at church, I bargained and got her to come and walk with me after enjoying our gelato! If you are looking for a nice bit of ice cream on a warm summer afternoon, head down to Birkenhead and you might even get lucky to enjoy the moonlighters playing by the side road as you enjoy your cup or cone of yummy refreshing gelato! Click to enlarge photos:

I didn't think I'd finish my double servings of gelato but I did. Then I went and took a few shots while my friend finished hers. I did ask permission from the lady at the shop. We sat there a bit longer enjoying the Jazz tunes from the moonlighters. Most North Shore residents would have met them at the markets. They can sing and I ended up buying their CD. Then we drove to Haigh Acces Road for our afternoon walk. I've never done this walk before although I've always wanted to do it. I just don't feel safe walking alone in the bush for 3 hours.

Haigh Access Road is off East Coast Road and the walk starts at the end of the road. The car park was rather crowded so I had no choice but park by the curb 200 metres or so from the parking bays. I am aware of the problem of car theft in this car park but I brushed my concern away. I was just keen to be able to go for the walk and really enjoy this beautiful summer afternoon. Our walk started here:

We started a bit late in the afternoon and having been unwell the past few weeks, we decided to just take a leisurely stroll. After crossing the bridge over the Okura River, my friend stopped and gave a big sigh...sigh of relief that is and said "this is really nice, it feels so good'; I smiled and felt grateful to hear her say that. I was a bit concerned as I know she is not like me who likes roughing it out!

The track is quite good because the ground was dry and most of the slopes are paved with wooden walkways! We were both quite busy looking around if not above us just enjoying the chance to walk under the canopy of trees and the rustling of their leaves playing with the gentle breeze above us!

We met couples coming the other way and there were quite a lot of them. Others passed us along the way which we didn't mind. The walk is really good but I would not recommend it for mom and dads with very little kids unless dad is willing to piggy back for a couple of hours.

As we progressed closer to the Dacre Cottage, I was starting to think about my car being left alone in the car park. At the back of my mind I kept a tally of the number of couples that we met along the way and that was at least five of them, which means five cars less in the car park. I toyed around the idea of finishing the walk but something was telling me to head back. So about 15minutes before we get t to the Cottage, we turned around and started our way back!

A pigeon feeding on Nikau berries

twin Kauri

the VW that was broken into
after three phone calls-an officer was despatched

Half way through, a couple caught up with us and almost came out into the car park at the same time. They put their back packs into the boot of their car and then they were gone. Next to their car was a brand new black VW cross polo! It attracted my curiosity but I was focused on trying to take some photos and my friend was trying to find a way to get to the wild roses.

We were sitting on the grass in front of the VW when another couple emerged from the bush. They were a young Kiwi couple and they're parked behind my car along the curb. The guy asked if the VW was my car and then pointed out the smashed window! To make the story short, this car has been done! Not my car which I am so grateful for. I have always have a strong intuition and I am not surprise why I decided to head back instead of finish the walk.

This weekend I have a couple of friends walking with me and I have decided to do the other half of this walk. In light of what happened last weekend, we've decided to do the other half from Stillwater where the carpark is much more secure. Looking forward to the next half of Okura Bush Walk!

Random images: Germany

Growing up in a small village from northern Philippines, castles and palaces were just figments of my imagination. I only learned about them through books I use to read at the very young age of nine and against my aunt's approval. I guess I owe it all to her Barbara Cartland's romance pocketbooks, books I was forbidden to read but I did anyway whenever I had the chance to hide them from my aunt.

One particular castle that dominated my dreams as a girl is of course that of Disneyland's. I was much older by the time I found out the it was inspired by King Ludwig II of Bavaria's Neuschwanstein Castle. Since then I had longed to see the castle but I thought it would only be just that; a dream, a longing!

But the dream became a reality two years ago today when finally I got to see and walk inside the castle. It was an awesome experience. There was lots of history, culture, the sceneries, White Christmas, Christmas Market; it makes the mind boggles when it suddenly is bombarded by so many things foreign happening at the same time. It was a wonderful experience but one I have enjoyed more because of the hospitality bestowed on me by good friends.

Three weeks was not enough but we managed to pack in as much as my health (horrible winter-flu) allowed me. I was lucky there was no swine-flu alert at that time! Below are a few random shots of Neuschwanstein Castle I managed to take. Just like most tourist places, taking photographs are not permitted inside. It is called the fantasy castle! I usually get disappointed when I see the real thing except this one, this time.    Click on the photos to enlarge...

Below are random images of Potsdam, Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Nuremberg and Leipzig:

The Schloss Sansoucci - Potsdam
Park Babelsberg - Potsdam
Babelsberg Castle

Cologne Cathedral Interior
Berlin TV Tower

Brandenburger Gate - Berlin

The doors of the Cologne Cathedral

A Building in Dresden
My first real Mistletoes...